Saturday 13 April 2013

Kinetic Typography

      This is a video called "The Choices We Make". The main story behind this video is based on the choices that people make. The audience for this video I would say is anyone and everyone. I feel that this video is meant for everyone to watch because it will affect the way you will think about the choices you make in your everyday life. In this video it does not say it is for this specific type of person. it is meant to inspire many different people no matter how young or old you are. I think the message of this video is to make people think more about the choices that they make in their everyday life. Like to think if it will be the right choice or not, and also to remind you that all these different choices are going to affect your future in one way or another. Every choice you make will follow you to the future and you should really think about these different choices that you make. I think this video is more of a non-fiction piece of work. The techniques that this person had used was make bold text and animations, very clear and consistent voice and lastly music. The quality of this video is good because everything is very clear and you get a clear understanding of the message the person is trying to infer. I think the visuals were very nice because they were very bold and easy to see. They are easy to read and stand out while you are watching. Also the music and the voice do not overpower each other. The voice is very consistent and and music in the background does not over-power the speaker. They both work very well together and keep you engaged throughout the piece. 

      This video is called "A Day In The Life Of Social Media". The main idea behind this video is to show the viewers how powerful social media is and the affects it has on our lives. I think the audience for this piece would be people that have social media accounts or people that want to learn about it. I think this because it shows what happens throughout the day of a person that own social media accounts. The message for this piece is mainly just to show what people do in just 24 hours. How much will happen and how people will not want to miss a minute of all the craziness. It's too show how powerful social media is to humans and how it affects our lives. This also another non-fiction piece of work. The different techniques that the maker of this video had used was visuals, text, and music. The quality of all these things were good and not very distracting at all. I feel that the visuals and text together made the video all the more interesting and the different fonts and types of colours that were used were very eye-catching. I also think that the music was not to too loud and you can adjust it anyway and so you can focus on the writing. I overall really liked this video because I thought it was very informational. 
      I hope you check out these two videos, and look up some on your own because kinetic typography is really good way to get your message across and looks great! :)

Trip to the AGO!

      Our CyberARTS class had went to the AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario) for a school trip last week. I had went once before but we were mainly focused on geographic landscapes as I had come with my geography class. This time around we had got to look at all different types of paintings and really just observe different styles. We got to look at many portraits and their styles also to inspire us on our self portraits that we will be doing.
      I really enjoy seeing the paintings first hand rather than in books because then you actually get to "see" it. You get to see how big the painting really is and the different brush strokes  and textures that it is. In books or on-line it still looks good but I feel that it doesn't give the painting or sculpture enough justice for how beautiful it looks in person

      I had really liked this painting because of the artists use of bold colours. I feel that the colours really grabbed my attention and made me want to look at it some more. This painting was a very smooth textured painting. Also I feel like the different lines of colours  just kept me in the painting. My focus was just in it because the lines would just keep leading into one another. It really kept me inside of the painting which was one thing that I had really liked about it. 

      The other thing I had really enjoyed about the AGO was the two showcases of bottles. These showcases were huge and were just filled with different types of bottles! They seemed to be bottles from many different places and every bottle had unique features. i thought it was so cool to think that every bottle was different and every bottle had a different meaning to them. Every single bottle had different textures and shapes and that just kept me looking at them trying to take in every single one. These bottles were so interesting and had me really intrigued! 
      Overall I had really enjoyed going to the AGO and would love to go again to spend more time looking at different paintings. I encourage everyone to go to the AGO! :)